Cornwall Energy Island report published

In July, Cornwall New Energy sponsored and presented at the Cornwall Energy Island 2017 workshop (more information on this event can be found in CNE's previous post). The outcomes from this workshop have recently been published in a report, produced by BuroHappold Engineering.
The report outlines the conclusions from the workshop and presents them as an ongoing vision for energy in Cornwall. As well as highlighting key themes from the speaker sessions the report presents participant feedback from the day.
The interactive workshop sessions asked the 80 participants to reflect on the progress which has been made in Cornwall so far (specifically since the 2015 Energy Island Event) and to consider the work which still needs to be done. These comments were divided into themes and participants were asked to consider which actions they thought were most important for Cornwall's energy vision.
The graph below indicates the outcomes from the workshop and includes the number of comments and votes for each action and theme discussed. The actions with the greatest number of votes were funding and finance, infrastructure planning and policy and regulation reform, indicating that these are the areas that the participants feel need to be prioritised. Arguably this may also be because the other action themes have made good progress in the last two years.
More information on the workshop outcomes can be found at: